Unit 1. Automobile Transportation and Road Transport

I. Read the text and say why road transport is so important.

Таможенные пошлины и налоги, Белорусская Ассоциация международных автомобильных перевозчиков, канал поставок, грузопассажирские перевозки, запечатанный контейнер, административные и финансовые формальности, выдавать книжки МДП, международная транзитная таможенная система, от страны отправления до страны назначения.

International road transport is an integral part of the common transport system of any country. The Belarusian Association of International Road Carriers (BAIRC) was established in 1992 and unites over 1000 international road carriers of the Republic of Belarus. The main goal of the Association is to develop in the Republic of Belarus cargo and passenger transportation by road vehicles, including international road vehicle traffic. It has the right to issue the TIR Carnets to its members.

‘TIR’ stands for Transports Internationaux Routiers (International Road Transport) and is the International Customs transit system. TIR is the only universal transit system that allows the goods to transit from a country of origin to a country of destination in sealed load compartments with Customs control recognition along the supply chain. This association minimizes administrative and financial burdens and Customs duties and taxes that are covered by an international guarantee.

II. Answer the following questions:

  1. When was the BAIRC established?

  2. What is the main goal of the BAIRC?

  3. What is the TIR transit system?

  4. What does the TIR system allow?

      Morozova О.N., Ilina I.Y.
