Unit 4. Road Signs

I. Read the text about road signs and say why they are so important. Use notes.

Traffic signs or road signs are signs erected at the side of roads to provide information to road users. In 1968, the European countries signed the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic Treaty, with the aim of standardizing traffic regulations in order to facilitate international road traffic and to increase road safety. The Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals, which at 30 June 2004 was signed by 52 countries, defines eight categories of signs:


slippery, adj. скользкий

loose gravel, n. – насыпной гравий

steep ascent, n. – крутой подъём

steep descent, n. – крутой спуск

roundabout, n.движение по кругу

dip, n. – откос

Compulsory Signs

All the compulsory signs are indicated in a circular form. The violation of traffic or road regulations indicated by these signs is a legal offence:

Warning Signs

These are signs indicated in a triangular form. They are designed for the safety of the road user:

These signs give you useful information and you can recognize them from their blue background.

II. Complete the sentences using the following words.

а) speeding – превышение скорости; b) to reverse – разворачиваться; c) to change gear – менять передачу; d) to tow – отбуксировать; e) to give way – уступить дорогу; f) to accelerate – разгоняться; g) to skid – заносить; i) to brake– тормозить; j) to dip one’s headlights - переключить свет фар с дальнего света на ближний; h) to do U-turn – разворачиваться; k) to keep to the speed – соблюдать скорость.

1. He usually … when he’s driving. So if the sign says 90, then he never drives at more than 90 kilometers per hour.

2. To … means to drive backwards.

3. You usually … to make a car slowdown or stop.

4. When driving at night you should always … when you see a car coming towards you. Otherwise you can blind the driver.

5. This car can … from 0-100 kilometers per hour in under ten seconds.

6. To … means to drive past it.

7. If a car … another one, it pulls it along behind it, usually using a rope or a chain.

8. One of the most difficult things when learning to drive is to … smoothly.

That’s why many people prefer automatic cars.

9. When a car … it turns round in a half circle then drives back the way it came.

10. He was fined for … .

He was doing 100 km/h in a residential area where the limit was 50.

11. It is very easy to

… and to go out of control if the road is wet or icy.

Morozova О.N., Ilina I.Y.
