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Титульная страница ТГТУ Institutes and Faculties  
Institute of Additional Professional Education

TSTU Center for Engineering Education

Tel, Fax +7 (4752) 63-78-15
E-mail: topt@topt.tstu.ru

TSTU Center for Engineering Education was organized in 1999 to train and retrain teachers of technical universities and technical schools of Central Black Earth Region. Now the Center for Engineering Education realizes 3-level education program:
  • The 1- level program "High school pedagogy". It lasts 9 months and is developed for the starting training of Masters, PhDs, engineers in the fi elds of high technical school pedagogy.
  • The 2-level program "Engineering Pedagogy" (it lasts 4 months) and is developed for advanced training of teachers with the Candidate and Doctorate degrees who work for technical universities.
  • The 3-level program (lasts 4 months) is organized according to the requirements and recommendations of International Society for Engineering Education. This program is developed for teachers having scientific degree. At the end of the course they get the title - International Engineering Educator ING-PAED IGIP.

Beside teaching activities the Center conducts research in the fields of "Theory and Methods of Professional Education", "Innovative Professional Education", "High School Pedagogy".
The Center actively develops scientific international cooperation with many European technical universities in the frames of TEMPUS program. The teaching staff of Tambov State Technical University got advanced training in Link?ping University (Sweden), Klagenfurt University (Austria), Bauhaus University in Weimar (Germany), Karlsruher Technical University (Germany), etc.

Due to this cooperation the Center introduced modern multimedia course for engineering pedagogy, the teachers were trained to develop electronic textbooks. Special multimedia English training complex was introduced for Masters, postgraduate students and technical university teachers.

TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19
E-mail: tstu@admin.tstu.ru