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Титульная страница ТГТУ Scientific Articles  
Section: "Pedagogic and Psychology"
    2021 (Number of items: 1)
    2019 (Number of items: 1)
    2018 (Number of items: 3)
  • Korolyova L.Yu. The Discursive Approach to Word-Formation Competence Development // Journal "Problems of Contemporary Science and Practice" Vernadsky University , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2018. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The modern system of teaching foreign languages to university students is discussed. The development of linguistic competences, including the word-formation competence is analyzed. The discursive approach to the word-formation competence development is described. Three types of the professional discourse – economic, political and engineering – are analyzed from the perspective of those word-formation modes which are typical of them. The most common models are distinguished. It is proved that affixation and compounding are characteristic of the political and economic types of the professional discourse, while compounding is prevailing in the engineering discourse. The conclusion is made that the knowledge of word-formation models specific for different types of the professional discourse can help students to develop the word-formation competence for successful communication in a foreign language.
  • Milrood R.P., Gunina N.A. Using Technology In Teaching Writing for Publication // Journal "Problems of Contemporary Science and Practice" Vernadsky University , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2018. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: Presenting scientific results in the format of a research paper is one of the new challenges the researchers have to deal with. The paper describes a software interactive tool, Academic Discourse Organizer, designed at Tambov State Technical University to facilitate the learning process and acquire the necessary writing skills. The use of this interactive tool is based on the guided approach to teaching how to write a paper. The tool navigates authors though the writing process and makes them focus on all important aspects of their research. The user-friendliness of the tool and its functions allows its users to accomplish their writing goals more effectively.
  • Voyakina E.Yu. Teaching Economic Terminology Formed by Metaphorization // Journal "Problems of Contemporary Science and Practice" Vernadsky University , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2018. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The paper focuses on teaching economic terminology formed by metaphorization. It analyzes metaphorical processes of term formation in the modern economic discourse, outlines the main stages in the process of forming term-metaphors and identifies the most productive sphere-sources of term-metaphors coming into the economic discourse from various fields of human knowledge. The analysis of some tendencies of term formation by a method of metaphorical transfer in the sphere of economics is given. The main strategies of teaching economic terminology are emphasized.
    2017 (Number of items: 4)
    2016 (Number of items: 7)
    2015 (Number of items: 3)
    2014 (Number of items: 6)
    2013 (Number of items: 3)
    2012 (Number of items: 6)
    2011 (Number of items: 4)
    2010 (Number of items: 4)

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