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Титульная страница ТГТУ Institutes and Faculties  
Institute of Law
Address: 112, 'D', Michurinskaya St. Phones: +7 (4752) 63-03-84 Fax: +7 (4752) 63-06-43 E-mail: zvv@admin.tstu.ru Web: http://ur.tstu.ru (rus)

Director - Candidate of Law, Ass. Professor Elena E. Orlova
    • Security and Legal Order
    • Civil Law and Legal Procedure
    • Constitutional and Administrative Law
    • International Law
    • Theory and History of State and Law
    • Criminal Law and Applied Computer Sciences in Law

The Institute of Law was organized in 1994. It combines training in humanitarian field with engineering and computer training. The main mission of the Institute is to train highly qualified and competitive specialists in the field of law, safety, advertising and public relations. The experienced professors and practitioners share their knowledge with students. A lot of external experts are involved into the teaching process. "Law" students may choose to specialize in civil or criminal law. The Institute also trains lawyers for industry, power engineering, health services, traffic safety.

Project technologies are the key point of the education process. Group work allows students to gain special knowledge from the different sources, develop communicative and research skills such as collection of information, carrying out experiments, analysis and hypothesizing.

Students participate successfully in different regional and Russian law competitions and Olympiads. Second and third year students have practice at courts, public prosecutor's office, notary's office and other law agencies.

"Applied informatics" program students are taught to create, introduce and control information systems, make information protection for legal systems and organize information support of crime investigation.

Graduates of "Public Relations" program are employed in different areas as public relations officers or specialists in mass media and advertising business whereas they choose one of the study directions: PR Office Administrations; Telecommunication and Computer Technologies in PR; PR and Advertising in the Communication Process.

The Institute develops close cooperation with the regional authorities. The Board of Trusties is created for the Institute development. It renders financial, technical, organizational and consulting support to the Institute. The Board’s members are representatives of Tambov regional administration, board of internal affairs, regional court, prosecutor's office, board of lawyers, arbitration court.

Law graduates are employed by state and administrative bodies, courts, public defender and prosecution offices, state enterprises, commercial organizations, educational institutions and other organizations. Structural subdivision "Student Legal Support Office" is aimed to provide free legal consultancy to Tambov citizens.
    BACHELOR PROGRAMS (Degree: Bachelor, Full course: 4 years)
  • Law
  • Advertisement and Public Relations
  • Applied informatics
    GRADUATE PROGRAMS (Qialification: Specialist, Full course: 5 years)
  • Legal Support of National Security
    MASTER PROGRAMS (Degree: Master, Full course: 4+2 years)
  • Applied informatics in Law
  • Corporate Law
  • International Business Law
  • Judicial Power, Organization of Law-Enforcement Activity, Advocacy, Notarial Practice
  • Theory and History of State and Law
  • Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics, Operative-Research Activities
  • Strategic Communications in Public Relations and Advertising
  • Preliminary Investigation and Crime Prevention

TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19
E-mail: tstu@admin.tstu.ru