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Титульная страница ТГТУ Institutes and Faculties  
Institute of Power Engineering, Tool Engineering and Radio Electronics
Address: 112, 'A', Michurinskaya st. Phones: +7 (4752) 63-04-29 E-mail: energo@nnn.tstu.ru

Director - D.Tech.Sc., Professor Tatyana I. Chernyshova
    • Biomedical Engineering
    • Design of Radioelectronic and Microprocessor Systems
    • Radio Engineering
    • Power Engineering
    • Enterprise Energy Supply and Heat Engineering

Institute of Power Engineering, Tool Engineering and Radio Electronics was organized in 2004. It trains specialists for power and electrical engineering industry, able to design, develop, test and supervise electrical systems and power stations. Students acquire knowledge in the fields of electrical engineering, radio engineering, mathematical modeling, up-to-date IT, microprocessor devices.

To improve the quality of training the Institute develops cooperation with industrial enterprises organizing departments there.

The training process includes also research activities. Students develop diagnostic and teaching devices, computer systems, devices for environmental monitoring and processing control. They also participate in grant programs, publish research results in special journals, take part in regional and international competitions and conferences. Graduates have practice and are employed by electrical heat and power engineering companies, biomedical engineering enterprises, commercial companies which supply biomedical equipment. Radio and power engineering enterprises of the Tambov region organize annual Open days for students introducing production process and working environment.

Qualified teachers and researchers of the Institute provide students with the opportunity to continue education taking post-graduate and doctorate courses.
    BACHELOR PROGRAMS (Degree: Bachelor, Full course: 4 years)
  • Biotechnical Systems and Technologies
  • Heat Power Engineering and Heat Technology
  • Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Technology
  • Radio Engineering
  • Information and Communication Technologies and Systems
  • Design and Technology of Electronic Means
    GRADUATE PROGRAMS ( Degree: Specialist, Full course: 5 years)
  • Special Radio Engineering Systems
    MASTER PROGRAMS (Degree: Master, Full course: 4+2 years)
  • Medical and Biological Devices, Systems and Complex
  • Technology of Electric and Heat Power Production
  • Systems and Devices for Signals Transfer, Reception and Processing
  • Information Technologies for Electronics Design
  • Design of Communication and Telecommunication Systems
  • Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power, Power Supply Systems
  • Telecommunications Networks, Systems and Devices

TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19
E-mail: tstu@admin.tstu.ru