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Титульная страница ТГТУ
Титульная страница ТГТУ Scientific Articles  
Section: "Economics and Social Sciences"
    2018 (Number of items: 1)
    2017 (Number of items: 2)
    2016 (Number of items: 4)
    2015 (Number of items: 3)
    2014 (Number of items: 6)
    2013 (Number of items: 13)
    2012 (Number of items: 16)
    2011 (Number of items: 20)
    2010 (Number of items: 20)
    2009 (Number of items: 1)
    2007 (Number of items: 3)
    2006 (Number of items: 7)
    2005 (Number of items: 4)
    2004 (Number of items: 3)
  • Drobzheva G.M., Repnikov A.V. The Military as the Ideal Citizen in the Social Conception of K.N. Leontyev // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 10 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2004. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The "aesthetic instinct" predominated the scientific creativity and conservative views of K.N. Leontyev. According to the theoretical principle of "fulfilled life" he constructed the social ideal of "flourishing" state. In that social organism only the military must be considered as ideal citizen because of their multifaceted individual and "two grate skills": to govern and to obey.
  • Kolodina N.I., Makeyeva M.N. The Structure of our Knowledge // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 10 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2004. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The paper focuses on the research of the structural adjustment of a man’s knowledge. The man’s structural knowledge is demonstrated as the collection of the knowledge units. The hypothesis about the simultaneous information coding through eye-sight, hearing, smelling and touching in the form of minimum units is checked by the experimental research. These units are the minimum units of knowledge, which structure is the building material of the cognitive combinations – notions in the process of comprehension. In the paper the knowledge structure organized according to the steady connections of the knowledge units and submitted to the logic coincidence as to moduses of perceiving (tactile, geometrical, graphical, smelling, touching) is shown.
  • Medvedev N.V. Problem of Communication in the Context of Language-Games // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 10 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2004. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: Author suggests his interpretation of the central concept of Wittgenstein’s philosophy "language-game". He tries to avoid the evident paradox in settling of communication problem. He rejects to attribute ontological status to the language-games. The language-games are regarded as different aspects of the same language but not as the different languages.
    2003 (Number of items: 3)

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