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Титульная страница ТГТУ
Титульная страница ТГТУ Scientific Articles  
Section: "Economics and Social Sciences"
    2018 (Number of items: 1)
    2017 (Number of items: 2)
    2016 (Number of items: 4)
    2015 (Number of items: 3)
    2014 (Number of items: 6)
    2013 (Number of items: 13)
    2012 (Number of items: 16)
    2011 (Number of items: 20)
    2010 (Number of items: 20)
    2009 (Number of items: 1)
    2007 (Number of items: 3)
  • Kopelnik V.I., Tsilenko L.P. England in Art Interpretation of the World of E.I.Zamyatin // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 13 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2007. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The article describes some peculiarities in art interpretation of the world of E. I. Zamyatin. It is devoted to the English theme in his works. The comments of his contemporaries are given. The fragments from his letters are presented. The attempt is made to analyze the most characteristic features of his English style.
  • Makeeva M.N., Tsilenko L.P., Kopelnik V.I. The Urgent Need of Modern Engineer // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 13 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2007. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: This article explores how English Education in technical university should be renewned and is based on the belief that language mediation plays a significant role for human development and learning. This paper supports the idea that English has become the global language because it has become a vital part of international society, culture and the economy. Whether you're aiming to be a professor or a reporter, a doctor or a banker, comunicative competence can give you what it takes to succeed. Teaching should not only focus on the development of linguistic knowledge but also help to foster students' abilities to learn and think independently as their awareness of identity.
  • Riabtseva E.V., Arestova A.A. Organization of Reading Comprehension Control for Students Studying a Foreign Language at Technical Institute of Higher Education // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 13 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2007. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The main problems connected with teaching and examining Reading Comprehension Skills in a foreign language at university level are overviewed. The aims for each type of questions checking-up Reading Skills of students of technical specialities are formulated. The strategies for answering reading comprehension questions are introduced. The sample test is given as an example.
    2006 (Number of items: 7)
    2005 (Number of items: 4)
    2004 (Number of items: 3)
    2003 (Number of items: 3)

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