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Титульная страница ТГТУ Scientific Articles  
Section: "Economics and Social Sciences"
    2018 (Number of items: 1)
    2017 (Number of items: 2)
    2016 (Number of items: 4)
    2015 (Number of items: 3)
    2014 (Number of items: 6)
  • Andreeva I.A., Spiridonov S.P. Reduction in Income Differentiation of Russian Federation Citizens as One of Directions to Improve Quality of Life // Journal "Problems of Contemporary Science and Practice" Vernadsky University , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2014. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The paper deals with the problem of income differentiation in the Russian Federation. The authors describe the main indicators characterizing the level of differentiation between different population groups. It is proposed to use progressive tax scale to reduce inequalities between population groups with the highest and lowest incomes.
  • Bortnikova T.G. Student Mobility and Problems of Intercultural Communication Development // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 20 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2014. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The article examines the types of academic mobility of students and the related problems of understanding (reasons of statements and actions misinterpretation) within the intercultural communication. The author analyzes the term "intercultural competence" from the position of socio-cultural approach to teaching foreign language and in terms of intercu ltural communication as the ability to manage cross-cultural communication. The author put s forward the idea that the formation of cross-cultural communication skills is possible provided certain conditions that cover all the life of students both within the educational process, as well as in their social and cultural activities, including informal and voluntary association.
  • Evenko E.V., Glivenkova O.A., Kopelnik V.I., Shipovskaya A.A. Meaning Construction through the Perception of Phonosemantic Symbols of the Text // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 20 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2014. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The process of text comprehension related to the process of meaning construction is considered in the article. The authors focus on a specific "tonality of meaning" constructed by the recipient through the perception of phonosemantic symbols of the text and analyzed through the cognitive algorithm of comprehension. Such significant processes as text perception, comprehension of text elements, categorization of the perceived text elements, creation of associations based on the comprehended text elements are integrated in the construction of “tonality of meaning”. Phonosemantics and its fundamental subsystems, including sound symbolism (phonetic symbolism) and sound imitation are in the spotlight of the article. The association theory plays a great role in emotional "tuning" of the text defined by the specific arrangement of lexis creating the tonality of meaning.
  • Evenko E.V., Klyukina Yu.V., Shipovskaya A. A. Representation of the National Precedent Phenomena in the Social Precedent Texts (Based on English and Russian Texts of the Internet-Culture) // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 20 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2014. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the national precedent phenomena representation in the social precedent texts. The purpose of the paper is to show how the national precedent phenomena function in the social precedent text using English and Russian Internet precedent texts as a case study. A wide range of examples are given to prove that the national precedent names are used in the social precedent texts; and national precedent texts and folklore genres, in their turn, become the ground for lots of the texts that express the social group perception. An attempt is made to point out the vectors of choice for nominalization of socially-meaningful objects by the national precedent names and also explain the creation mechanism of the social precedent texts based on national precedent texts and folklore genres.
  • Gerasimov B.I. Institute of Economics and Quality of Life Tambov State Technical University – Start up Quality // Journal "Problems of Contemporary Science and Practice" Vernadsky University , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2014. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: The article discusses the questions of organization of Institute "Economics and quality of life" TSTU and its place in socio-economic development of the Tambov region. The scheme of regional platform of development, the vector diagram of development of the economic faculty of TSTU, the structural-functional scheme of Institute of "Economics and quality of life" TSTU, the functional scheme of educational-scientific facilities and the comparative analysis of the faculty of economics and Institute of "Economics and quality of life" of TSTU have been described.
  • Voyakina E.Yu., Korolyova L.Yu. Language Learners’ Beliefs and Their Role in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Language // Scientific article. Journal "Transactions of the TSTU", vol. 20 , Tambov. TSTU publisher house , 2014. (pdf-file)
    Abstract: Language learners' beliefs which stipulate those strategies that are applied by teachers are examined in the article. The research is done on beliefs of one hundred students learning a foreign language at Tambov State Technical University. The aim of the research is to analyze first-year students' beliefs and the connection of teaching strategies with them. It is sup posed that young people who enter technical universities have low beliefs concerning learning foreign languages as their major does not cover this area and they consider foreign languages quite useless for their future job. However the analysis of students’ answers to questions given as a part of the research shows quite a different tendency. Most of the students have high beliefs or beliefs above average about foreign languages. Therefore teachers of foreign languages change their approach to the process of teaching concentrating more on developing communicative skills, organising lessons as "skills less ons" and "systems lessons" accordingly and paying attention to individual abilities of every student. Consequently such a combination of students' high motivation and appropriate teaching strategies leads to excellent results.
    2013 (Number of items: 13)
    2012 (Number of items: 16)
    2011 (Number of items: 20)
    2010 (Number of items: 20)
    2009 (Number of items: 1)
    2007 (Number of items: 3)
    2006 (Number of items: 7)
    2005 (Number of items: 4)
    2004 (Number of items: 3)
    2003 (Number of items: 3)

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