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Thank you for your interest in Tambov State Technical University.

Please, read the following info before you request any information about admission. Thank you. - (IMPORTANT INFO)

Dear applicants!
Tambov State Technical University informs you that TSTU's foreign students' admission office doesn't take any fees for issuing the official invitations for studying or any official letters.
Tambov State Technical University accepts only tuition and hostel fees. Tuition and hostel fees can be paid to the official bank account of the university or to the cashier office of the university. All fees are to be made according to the signed contract between an applicant and the university.
All full-time students must have medical insurance that meets University criteria. The University assists students with obtaining an appropriate medical insurance upon their arrival to Tambov.
Please, apply to the foreign students' admission office with any questions: E-mail: tstu04@yahoo.com

Please, complete this form if you need information to be sent to you. We will be in touch with you soon!

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Questions – answers
286. Name: waqas arshed Date submitted:15 May 2016, 18 h. 41 min.
Text: i completed my degree from casa college cyprus,i did BBA,please send me some information about admission and fee schedules.
Answer: Dear Waqas Arshed,

Our University can offer to you a Master’s program ‘Management’ that is taught in Russian. This program starts in September and lasts for 2 years.

As this program is taught in Russian you should first complete a Russian language pre-university course. It starts in September and lasts for 10 months (from September 2016 till June 2017). In order to be admitted for the Russian language pre-university course you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (tstu04@yahoo.com):

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Please, take into account that your passport must be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your original degree certificate (Bachelor degree certificate or diploma);
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of your medical documents including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results.

As soon as we receive all these documents we will review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.

As for the payments we have the following procedure:

1. The following payments should be transferred to the University official bank account before we send to you the original invitation:
1) Tuition Fee – approximately 1250 USD for the Russian language pre-university program.
2) Accommodation Fee – approximately 350 USD for 1 year stay in a shared room.

2. These payments should be paid upon your arrival to Tambov:
1) Medical Insurance Fee – approximately 80 USD per year.
2) Multiple Visa Fee – about 30 USD.

After successful completion of this program you will get a certificate that will allow you to continue your education in Russian. As for the Master’s program ‘Management’ that is taught in Russian, the cost is 1150 USD (the price is stated for the academic year 2016-2017).

287. Name: srinivasan rohith Date submitted:14 May 2016, 14 h. 14 min.
Text: I want application form for mbbs 2016, 6 years course. I have scored pcb 79.5%. ALready got PP and APOSTILED.
Answer: Dear Srinivasan Rohith,

Unfortunately, we don't have any academic programs in medicine at our University.

288. Name: Yulius Date submitted:14 May 2016, 09 h. 53 min.
Text: здрастуите.... Меня зовут юлиус. Я приехал из Индонезий и сеичас учусь Русский Язык на Подготовительном Факультете КалмГУ, в городе Элисте. я хочу поступить на Магистратуре в направление экономику Я закончил бакалавриат по экономике в Джакарте --Индонезия. Прошу Вас предоставить информацию о каких документах я должен подать. С уважением, Юлиус Гуритно
Answer: Здравствуйте,

Обучение по магистерской программе "Экономика" на русском языке длится 2 года и начинается в сентябре. Для того, чтобы начать обучение по этой программе необходимо выслать на наш электронный адрес (tstu04@yahoo.com) следующие документы:

1. Сканированную копию загранпаспорта;
2. Сканированную копию документов об образовании;
3. Заполненную анкету на поступление;
4. Копию медицинских документов (общемедицинскую справку о состоянии здоровья, результаты анализа крови на ВИЧ);
5. Сканированную копию сертификата подготовительного факультета.

Данные документы рассматриваются и, если все они соответствуют требованиям нашего университета, мы подаем документы для оформления приглашения, по которому студент получает учебную визу в Консульстве России. Обычно приглашение оформляется миграционной службой в течение 1 месяца.

Для получения приглашения заявителю необходимо осуществить оплату обучения и проживания. Стоимости следующие:
1. Стоимость обучения по магистерской программе "Экономика" - 74000 рублей.
2. Стоимость проживания в общежитии - 20000-24000 рублей.

Как только студент приезжает в Тамбов, он оплачивает:
1. Стоимость медицинской страховки - 4800 рублей (за год);
2. Стоимость многократной визы - 1600 рублей.

289. Name: Rania Date submitted:11 May 2016, 14 h. 35 min.
Text: How can I apply to medical university to study general medicine in French? When can I apply? (Deadlines please) What are the necessary documents? Are there entrance exams? And if they exist are they in French? Thank you.
Answer: Dear Rania,

Unfortunately, we don't have any academic programs in medicine at our University and we don't have any programs in French.

290. Name: armin Date submitted:7 May 2016, 20 h. 01 min.
Text: I am currently studying civil engineering at Eastern Mediterranean University in Northern Cyprus and I have successfully finished 90 units. I can fluently speak russian and studied russian language at Moscow. I would like to enquire is it possible for me to be transfered to the university or not?
Answer: Dear Armin,

Unfortunately, it is impossible for you to transfer from the Eastern Mediterranean University in Northern Cyprus to TSTU because we have different academic programs. You can be admitted at our University as a first year student for the Bachelor program in Civil Engineering.

In order to be admitted at our University you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (tstu04@yahoo.com):

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Your passport must be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a completed application form;
- a scanned copy of your education certificate;
- scanned copies of medical documents including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results.

Moreover, as the Bachelor program in Civil Engineering is taught in Russian you should submit a scanned copy of your certificate of the pre-university Russian language program. Without this certificate you can’t be admitted at our University as a first year student .

As soon as we receive all these documents we review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.

As for the payments we have the following procedure:

1. The following payments should be transferred to the University official bank account before we send to you the original invitation:
1) Tuition Fee – approximately 1200 USD for the Bachelor program in Civil Engineering.
2) Accommodation Fee – approximately 350 USD for 1 year stay in a shared room.

2. These payments should be paid upon your arrival to Tambov:
1) Medical Insurance Fee – approximately 80 USD per year.
2) Multiple Visa Fee – about 30 USD.

291. Name: Emmanuel Date submitted:6 May 2016, 23 h. 45 min.
Text: I have a Bsc in chemistry and am looking forward to doing my masters degree in chemical engineering or Analytical chemistry in English language. Pls what are the things I need to process my admissions. Thanks.
Answer: Dear Emmanuel,

Our University provides a Master’s program ‘Chemical Technology’ only in Russian language. That is why before being admitted for this program you should first complete a Russian language pre-university course.

The Russian language pre-university program starts in September and lasts for 10 months (from September 2016 till June 2017). In order to be admitted for this program you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (tstu04@yahoo.com):

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Your passport must be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your education certificate;
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of you medical documents including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results.

As soon as we receive all these documents we review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.

As for the payments we have the following procedure:

1. These payments should be transferred to the University official bank account before we send to you the original invitation:
1) Tuition Fee – approximately 1250 USD for the Russian language pre-university course.
2) Accommodation Fee – approximately 350 USD for 1 year stay in a shared room.

2. The following payments should be paid upon your arrival to Tambov:
1) Medical Insurance Fee – approximately 80 USD per year.
2) Multiple Visa Fee – about 30 USD.

After successful completion of this pre-university program you will get a certificate that will allow you to continue your education in Russian. As for the Master’s program ‘Chemical Technology’ it lasts for 2 years. The cost of this program is 1300 USD (price is stated for the academic year 2016-2017).

292. Name: ahmed Date submitted:6 May 2016, 13 h. 19 min.
Text: may i know the complete informations regarding getting addmitted to master program in biomedical engineering in english.
Answer: Dear Ahmed,

A Master’s program ‘Bio-Technical Systems and Technologies’ and the profile ‘Bio-medical engineering’ is provided only in Russian. In order to be admitted for this program you should first complete a Russian language pre-university course.

The Russian language pre-university course starts in September and lasts for 10 months (from September 2016 till June 2017). In order to be admitted for this program you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (tstu04@yahoo.com):

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Your passport must be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your education certificate;
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of your medical documents including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results.

As soon as we receive all these documents we review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.

As for the payments we have the following procedure:

1. The following payments should be transferred to the University official bank account before we send to you the original invitation:
1) Tuition Fee – approximately 1250 USD for 1 year pre-university program;
2) Accommodation Fee – approximately 350 USD for 1 year stay in a shared room.

2. These payments should be paid upon your arrival to Tambov:
1) Medical Insurance Fee – approximately 80 USD per year.
2)Multiple Visa Fee – about 30 USD.

After successful completion of this program you will get a certificate that will allow you to continue your education in Russian.

293. Name: muthu krishnan Date submitted:6 May 2016, 10 h. 01 min.
Text: may i know the complete informations regarding getting addmitted to master program in financial management in english.
Answer: Dear Muthu Krishnan,

A Master's program 'Financial Management' is taught in English and starts in September. Duration of this program is 2 years.

In order to be admitted for this academic program you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (tstu04@yahoo.com):

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Your passport must be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your original degree certificate (Bachelor's degree certificate or diploma);
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of your medical documents including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results.

As soon as we receive all your documents we review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.

As for the payments we have the following procedure:

1. The following payments should be transferred to the University official bank account before we send to you the original invitation:
1) Tuition Fee - approximately 3000 USD per year for the Master's program 'Financial Management' that is taught in English.
2) Accommodation Fee - approximately 350 USD for 1 year stay in a shared room.

2. These payments should be paid upon your arrival to Tambov:
1) Medical Insurance Fee - approximately 80 USD per year.
2) Multiple Visa Fee - about 30 USD.

294. Name: Zaid Date submitted:28 April 2016, 15 h. 39 min.
Text: I have passed Bsc Civil Technology by scoring 3.5 CGPA. I want to admission in masters program
Answer: Dear Zaid,

In order to be admitted for any Master's program you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (tstu04@yahoo.com):

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Your passport must be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your original degree certificate (Bachelor's degree certificate or diploma);
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of your medical documents including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results.

295. Name: Yoga Date submitted:26 April 2016, 16 h. 36 min.
Text: I am very interested to study in Russia. I just want to know, When is the application deadline to submit in Tambov State Technical University? And what are the documents should i be prepared to enter a admission to Tambov State Technical University?
Answer: Dear Yoga,

All Bachelor’s programs at our University are taught in Russian that is why before you will be admitted for any of these academic programs you should complete a Russian language pre-university course. This course starts in September and lasts for 10 months (till June 2017).

In order to be admitted for the pre-university program that starts in September you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (tstu04@yahoo.com):

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Your passport must be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your education certificate;
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of medical documents including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results.

As soon as we receive all these documents we review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the formal invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.

As for the payments we have the following procedure:

1. These payments should be transferred to the University official bank account before we send to you the formal invitation:
1) Tuition Fee – approximately 1250 USD for a pre-university program that starts in September.
2) Accommodation Fee – approximately 350 USD for 1 year stay in a shared room.

2. The following payments should be paid upon your arrival to Tambov:
1) Medical Insurance Fee – approximately 80 USD per year.
2) Multiple Visa Fee – about 30 USD.

If you want to be admitted for a pre-university program that starts in September 2016, you should submit your documents till the end of August 2016.

Also our University provides Master’s programs that are taught in English. All information regarding these programs you can find here: http://www.tstu.ru/en/r.php?r=intern.mag If you want to be admitted for any of these academic programs, you should submit all documents till the mid of June.

296. Name: Monem Date submitted:26 April 2016, 10 h. 00 min.
Text: how much is the tuition fees for doing masters in finance in English? what are the requirements for language proficiency in English?
Answer: Dear Monem,

The Master's program 'Financial Management' that is taught in English starts in September and lasts for 2 years. In order to be admitted for this program you should submit to our e-mail (tstu04@yahoo.com) the following documents:

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Your passport must be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your original degree certificate (Bachelor's degree certificate or diploma);
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of medical documents including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results.

As soon as we receive all these documents we review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.

As for the payments we have the following procedure:

1. These payments should be transferred to the University official bank account before we send to you the original invitation:
1) Tuition Fee - approximately 3000 USD for the Master's program 'Financial Management' taught in English.
2) Accommodation Fee - approximately 350 USD for 1 year stay in a shared room.

2. The following payments should be paid upon your arrival to Tambov:
1) Medical Insurance Fee - approximately 80 USD per year.
2) Multiple Visa Fee - about 30 USD.

All information regarding this Master's program you can find here: http://www.tstu.ru/en/r.php?r=intern.mag

As for the language proficiency, as training is conducted in English, you should be able to comprehend and to acquire new information, to be able to read and to speak in English. When you arrive to Tambov you will have an interview that will help to check you language proficiency, not only general knowledge but also knowledge according to the program chosen. All information regarding the interview you can also find on the website: http://www.tstu.ru/en/intern/mag/15-12-02_a/38.04.02-01_04.pdf

297. Name: Karar Date submitted:24 April 2016, 15 h. 56 min.
Text: Здравствуйте , есть специальности нефтяной инженерии в университете г.
Answer: Здравствуйте,

Мы можем предложить Вам программу бакалавриата "Энерго- и ресурсосберегающие процессы в химической технологии, нефтехимии и биотехнологии", профиль подготовки "Основные процессы и оборудование нефтеперерабатывающих производств".

Поскольку обучение осуществляется на русском языке, сначала необходимо закончить подготовительный факультет.

На подготовительном факультете студенты начинают обучение с сентября. Для поступления необходимо выслать на наш электронный адрес (tstu04@yahoo.com) следующие документы:

1. Сканированную копию загранпаспорта;
2. Сканированную копию документа об образовании;
3. Заполненную анкету на поступление;
4. Копию медицинских документов (общемедицинскую справку о состоянии здоровья, результаты анализа крови на ВИЧ).

Данные документы рассматриваются и, если все они соответствуют требованиям нашего университета, мы подаем документы для оформления приглашения, по которому студент получает учебную визу в Консульстве России. Обычно приглашение оформляется миграционной службой в течение 1 месяца.

Для получения приглашения необходимо осуществить оплату обучения и общежития. В этом учебном году стоимости следующие:
1. Стоимость обучения на подготовительном факультете - 79000 рублей.
2. Стоимость проживания в общежитии - 20000-24000 рублей.

Как только студент приезжает в Тамбов, он оплачивает (цены указаны на данный учебный год):
1. Стоимость медицинской страховки - 4800 рублей (за год).
2. Стоимость многократной визы - 1600 рублей.

После успешного окончания подготовительного факультета студент получает сертификат, который позволяет ему продолжить обучения в университете. Стоимость программы бакалавриата "Энерго- и ресурсосберегающие процессы в химической технологии, нефтехимии и биотехнологии" - 76700 рублей.

298. Name: Mohammad Nabi Date submitted:24 April 2016, 11 h. 34 min.
Text: I am very interested to study in Russia. How can i get scholarship? what is the requirements?
Answer: Dear Mohammad Nabi,

If you want to study on scholarship at our University, you should apply to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in your country or to the Ministry of Education.

All Bachelor's programs at our University are taught in Russian. That is why before being admitted for any of these programs you should complete a Russian language pre-university course first.

A Russian language pre-university course starts in September and lasts for 10 months (till June 2017). After successful completion of this program you will be able to continue your education in Russian.

In order to be admitted for a pre-university course you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (tstu04@yahoo.com):
- a scanned copy of your international passport. Your passport should be valid for at least 1.5 year (18 months) since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your education certificate;
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of medical documents including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results.

As soon as we receive all these documents we review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.

Our University also provides Master's programs that are taught in English. All information regarding these programs you can find here: http://www.tstu.ru/en/r.php?r=intern.mag

As for the payments we have the following procedure:

1. These payments should be transferred to the University official bank account before we send to you the original invitation:
1) Tuition Fee. For a pre-university course that starts in September and lasts for 10 months it is approximately 1250 USD.
2)Accommodation Fee - approxaimately 350 USD for 1 year stay in a shared room.

2. These payments should be paid upon your arrival to Tambov:
1) Medical Insurance Fee - approximately 80 USD per year.
2)Multiple Visa Fee - about 30 USD per year.

299. Name: Jerry Date submitted:24 April 2016, 05 h. 49 min.
Text: can I also get a master program for international relations
Answer: Dear Jerry,

Unfortunately, we don't have such specialty at our University.

300. Name: Jerry Date submitted:24 April 2016, 05 h. 41 min.
Text: what is the prerequisites for master program in civil engineering at your institution and Financial Management
Answer: Dear Jerry,

As for the Master’s programs ‘Civil Engineering’ and ‘Financial Management’, they can be taught in Russian and in English language.

In order to be admitted for any of these programs you should submit the following documents to our e-mail (tstu04@yahoo.com):

- a scanned copy of your international passport. Your passport must be valid for at least 1.5 year since the intended date of entry to Russia;
- a scanned copy of your original degree certificate (A Bachelor’s degree certificate or diploma);
- a completed application form;
- scanned copies of medical documents including HIV-test results and chest X-ray results.

As soon as we receive all these documents we review them and if everything is according to our requirements we will prepare a set of documents for the Department of the Federal Migration Service to request a formal invitation. A standard waiting period for the invitation to be issued is 1 month on receipt of all the required documents.

All information regarding these programs in English you can find here: http://www.tstu.ru/en/r.php?r=intern.mag

If you want to be admitted for any of these programs taught in Russian, first you should complete a Russian language pre-university program. It starts in September and lasts for 10 months (till June 2017). After successful completion of pre-university program you will get a certificate that will allow you to continue your education in Russian.

As for the payments we have the following procedure:

1. These payments should be transferred to the University official bank account before we send to you the original invitation:
1) Tuition Fee. For the Russian language pre-university course that starts in September 2016 it is approximately 1250 USD. For the Master’s program that is taught in English it is approximately 3000 USD.
2) Accommodation Fee – approximately 350 USD for 1 year stay in a shared room.

2. These payments should be paid upon your arrival to Tambov:
1) Medical Insurance Fee – approximately 80 USD per year.
2) Multiple Visa Fee – about 30 USD.

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TSTU Tambov State Technical University

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TSTU Address: 106/5, Building 2, Sovetskaya Str., Tambov, 392000, Russia
Phone: +7 (4752) 63-10-19
E-mail: tstu@admin.tstu.ru